Have millions disappeared? Are relatives, friends, neighbors, and coworkers missing? Where have all the missing people gone? Why did they vanish? It was not aliens, a scientific mishap, or a trick: it was the rapture ("catching up" / "snatching away" / disappearance) of those who believed in Jesus Christ and the Good News of salvation to protect them from the coming global judgment. The departure of millions from the earth has been foretold for thousands of years. Here is what you need to know.
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Have millions disappeared? Are relatives, friends, neighbors, and coworkers missing? Where have all the missing people gone? Why did they vanish?
It was not aliens, a scientific mishap, or a trick: it was the rapture ("catching up" / "snatching away" / disappearance) of those who believed in Jesus Christ and the Good News of salvation to protect them from the coming global judgment, a seven-year period of immense suffering preceding the return of Christ. The departure of millions from the earth has been foretold for thousands of years.
This website is designed to be used and shared in the aftermath of the disappearances as an emergency resource with the information you need.
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Use the links below to download a .zip file containing loads of important resources for those left behind. This can be easily saved to a USB...